In what way is it possible to sell Urmia’s refrigerated apples?
How much is the price of frozen apples in Urmia compared to the price of fresh apples in Urmia?
In this article, we want to talk about keeping Urmia apples in the cold room.
Stay with us until the end of this article to know more about this.
Today, with the advancement of science and technology, cold storage facilities for storing fruits, including apples, have been built in all fruit-producing cities.
By keeping Urmia apples in the cold room, it can be used for the seasons when this apple is not harvested (such as winter and spring).
In fact, cold stores make Urmia apples last longer.
Because in low temperature apple breathing and other vital activities are limited.
And the growth of bacteria, fungi, mold, etc. on the surface of the fruit is prevented. As a result, apples do not spoil in the refrigerator.
The price of frozen apples in Urmia is cheaper than the price of fresh apples in this city.
Because an apple stored in a cold room does not have the freshness and aroma of a fresh apple.
Especially red apples, which have a high probability of getting rotten in the refrigerator.
Urmia’s cold-stored apples are sold at a reasonable price in Wake Trading.
This apple is of very high quality and has a great taste and pleasant aroma.
You, the dear and valuable customers of woc Trading, can contact our sales experts in this trading business to buy bulk Urmia apples at reasonable prices and special conditions.
And while enjoying lower prices when buying apples in bulk, benefit from the free advice of our experts.
You can contact us through the following ways:
Address: No 325, Between 17 th Saman & 19 th Saman alleys, Ayatollah Kashani st, Eslamshahr town, Tehran province, Iran.
Postal Code: 3313894588
Whatsapp: 00989128639508
Tellephone: 00982156120767